Untitled Unsettled Update

Ho, ho, ho! Santa's here. Or the easter bunny or who cares. This little fellow brings you a completely redone game win experience! Now, there are two dozen different variants of the ending cutscene! (Wait! This means we have an ending cutscene now?!?) Expect more to come. Try to find out the conditions for each variant, and let me know in the discord if you think you found some, he! This update also contains some visual sugar, and various quality of life improvements. See, exempli gratia, this shiny effect to the Overhead UI of invincible units: Or this visual effect when Iron Knights or Lead Knights push something: Added a marker in the tutorial at the "Cube Face Turns II" Stage for units that were not killed after a rotation: Added help tips when all your units are dead, all units are stuck or the player has been playing the same cube for a very long time, to clarify that the game is not immediately lost, but that the player has to decide when it is considered hopeless to continue. And some other things:
  • Winning a game now grants you 5 extra unlock score points
  • Fixed Spinning Wheel event beeing able to be clicked while wheel is spining.
  • Removed one frame of lag when winning a cube (hopefully)
  • Fixed Aranthos and Xuhivan Levels spawning units that were not yet unlocked instead of substituting them with unlocked units
  • Fixed a bit of unit jittering on the first cube of act 2 (Cow Dome)
  • Greatly increased sized of click hitboxes in the following events (all have no choice that needs to be made): Magic Portal, Ice Blocks, Magic Mirror, Dragon Statue, Shrine of Theris, Upgrade Unit Event.


Regular Windows Version 12 GB
Version 12 13 days ago
Small Windows Version 1.7 GB
Version 11 13 days ago

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